Emily's Creations

stuff i make, things i do, places i go. i'll post my projects and activities here. please leave comments! i like banjo music. follow me on twitter @ ehlcreations http://twitter.com/ehlcreations

Monday, May 28, 2007

I don't know what the hell I'm doing here. I'm 237 years old, I should be collecting social security.

several updates and notes! this is a long post. go me.

* totally love that movie. the giant banana, man. terrific. too bad woody allen is such a creep now. (name that movie and win a prize! hint...it's listed somewhere here on the blog.)

* i stayed in all day on saturday. unknowingly got into the shower with my glasses on and scared the crap out of myself. cleaned up my apartment. very proud of myself. today i continued on that path and worked on my craft "area" which is basically everywhere but the oven.

* my bunny is so sweet, i can't stand it. right now she's bathing...again. earlier this morning i was at my desk and had no idea where she was. i decided to start my day-off errands and stood up. i kicked the rabbit. she looked up at me and snuggled back into her spot, not getting up. so that's where she was...
pat on the head

* dante's booties were a hit at the bbq at his mom and dad's house yesterday in annapolis...sort of. the blue ones were too small. the pink ones fit well, so now i know that the smallest size will just be impractical. baby dalia is a few months older and had a fun time playing with the shoes. apparently i make tasty shoes. i'm going to make her a fuzzy bunny (eventually.) (i also figured out how to make the bottoms grippy today...rubber cement. the smell will fade after the glue is totally dry.) danielle was not happy about her son wearing pink shoes, but she's just going to have to get over that. he was just my tester, and what a lovely tester he was!

* also figured out centerpieces for danielle's wedding. my mom and i found candles at the restaurant supply depot...now i'm looking for gold colored 14" or 16" round platters that we can use as a base...preferably a plastic-y. preferably ones that don't cost $30 each, as we need about 20 of them. also got glass pebbles in yellowy-brownish colors to surround the candles on the platter. we will put 5 on each platter. that's the centerpiece idea for now. thoughts? something low and simple is desired. i'm totally a "less is more" person when it comes to these kinds of things, and i'm glad i've been given this job! (i'm also doing welcome bags for out of town guests, but we're not going to start on those until about october.)

* here is the latest on lucas's sweater. i'm pretty sure his dad is not interested in how i'm "almost done" with this piece or that piece, much less with my knitting in general. i bet he doesn't think i'll finish this one either. (reminder!) here are the front and back. i also have part of a sleeve done.
front and back of lucas's sweater

* i had some extra gray yarn from the pot holder experiment last week, so i made this little bag. i'll felt it on the next go 'round. how will the flower come out? i don't know how much the whole thing will shrink. this is another experiment. once it's done, i'll add a zipper on top.
crocheted bag (pre felt)

here's another dante pic...just because he's so cute.

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Friday, May 25, 2007

i felt happy while felting

took the train up and back for this most recent trip to new york. this was on the way back...
ooo pretty.

so dante's booties are felted now! i think they're going to be a bit too small, so i don't think i'll make that size. the next larger ones are the pink ones. they're both super cute. this weekend will be a big try-on weekend.
here they are in the washing machine.
washing machine
i also made a SUPER DUPER POT HOLDER!!!!! it started out 12"x12" and is now 6"x7" so that's super! here they are...everything is still drying from last night.
felting completed

i have been asked if i sell my creations...yes! i do! just drop me a note. custom colors and sizes available.

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Monday, May 14, 2007

booties, bananas and bunny

i am making felted booties for little feet now. i made my first pair yesterday and today. now i think i got the hang of it. i will felt them tomorrow night and see how they turn out.
here are dante's booties, in notre dame blue and green!
pre-felted booties
last night i made tasty chicken on my cast iron grill pan. i bought some bananas in the morning and figured i'd cook 'em up! i quartered the banana with the skin ON and cooked them for about 2 minutes. the pan was HOT HOT.
"grilled" bananas
then i drizzled some honey and raspberries...
"grilled" bananas
i lured doll up on to the couch a few days ago, then stuck the camera under her face. i like these pics...even though one is a little blurry. ooo look how big and threatening she looks!
chewing doll
heh heh heh...
annoyed doll

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

damn you, slide printer! beer makes it all better.


my printer has arrived! i still don't have directions or the transfer kit (just some supplies that make it easier to do.) i got a regular 3x4 base and a 4x5 base. the 4x5 film comes in sheets and each one hates me more than the last. it took about 30 minutes of internet searching to figure out how to load the sheets, then how to expose them. i paid a tushie-load of money for a box of 20 sheets of polaroid 59 film, and i screwed up about 6 of them tonight. i stopped. the 3x4 film comes in packs of 10, so you just load the pack and you can use it for a while. i need to practice this weekend....the light, ugly, washed out prints i made tonight will just be practice. why are they so light? did i underexpose?

here is a pic...
printer and film

also, i had three cans of beer from amsterdam...long story, but i didn't buy them...someone gave them to me in the airport in philly after we got off the plane. i had the last about a week ago...yum.
love...delicious love


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

pretty NM pics and are you KIDDING ME?????

hello! i'm back.

first off, i had a fabo time in new mexico this past weekend! my traveling companion is the best.
NM 058
NM 024
NM 010

we took hundreds of pictures!

i just dropped off three rolls of slide film at penn camera. they will be ready tomorrow after 5. (oh really? we'll see about that.) won't do me much good, though, because my slide printer finally arrived with the new 4x5" base after 6 weeks and it came WITHOUT DIRECTIONS!!!! HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO PUT THIS THING TOGETHER? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? AND WHERE IS MY TRANSFER KIT? DUDES, THIS IS INSANE ALREADY!!! SEND ME MY STUFF!!!! plus, i was apparently "misquoted" and was charged $100 more than i was originally told. i complained, but they couldn't change it. plus, i didn't have it in writing, which doesn't surprise me. the girl i had been dealing with over there seems to be a huge idiot. she's supposed to call me back before the end of the day (PST) but i don't think i'll hear from her. i was told the directions and kit would be sent out first thing tomorrow, but i don't know if it will happen. i'm going to continue to call and harass them until i get my stuff.

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