new year update and rabbit forts
happy new year!
this year i resolve to have less stuff. i will continue with my freegan attempts with regards to not throwing stuff away if someone else can use it. i still won't dumpster dive, though. i will buy less stuff in general, with the exception of food, polaroid film, hay and socks.
my class has finished! i got an a-. go me. i hope to take another class this semester.
updates...luke's dad finally took a pic of the blue sweater i made for him. it's still a little too big, but aw. satisfaction.

we spent new year's eve with dante and his parents. he will be 1 in a few weeks! here he is showing off his 5 teeth.

my latest post-school hat for happy heads, dc. it's lion brand but soft.

we made a rabbit fort on sunday night and it was quite popular in the living room.

finally, i worked on a bunch of slides. here are a few. check out the full set here. (these are all copyright 2007, duh.) i would like to do custom pet portraits. so far they've come out very well. here is rana.

different texture paper has very different results, same image and development times.

cool, huh?
and finally, for comparison with the pic from my last post...

Damn I wish we had built a fort when I visted! :)
more bunny!
Yaay you're back!
Congrats on the a-!
It must feel awesome to se the little fellow wearing the sweater your made. It looks really professional.
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