camping in wv
sure, i'm sniffly now from sleeping out in the cold, but what else could be expected of me?
i'm a lumberjack and i'm ok. i sleep all night. i work all day.

(yep, that's me. only got through about 3 pieces, then i gave up. i was too slow, also.)
we made spiced cider...

...and thanks to ag, we built a spit and roasted chickens. took a long time, but they were super tasty.

let's see...what else did we do? took a walk and then a little hike in the afternoon. came across some interesting sights, so i filled up my camera. shocking.

(this one is my new desktop at work. sorry josh ritter, you're gone)

this tree was pretty interesting...sort of shaped like an "n" with one side broken and a new top. must have somehow broken as an adult tree and then slowly curved downward over many years. i'll put another pic of the whole tree up later.

i know, i'm usually into texture, but landscapes are pretty. this reminds me of a photo i have hanging in my bedroom that i call "low river" from a tributary of the monongahela river. i took it in the spring of 2001 when the river was dammed as the search for a body began. hm. drunk kids. anyway, it was really pretty and i collected smooth pieces of coal that look like river rocks.