Emily's Creations

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

WP article about handwriting

yes! handwriting is a craft!
remember that i have a pen pal 3800 miles away!
remember that we send each other letters because handwriting is an art and that the connection that comes with a letter can never be duplicated in an e-mail! sure, my handwriting isn't the greatest, and now i write in emily-script. but if i really wanted to, i could write in proper cursive.
here is the article.
please leave a comment let me know what you think.

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At 10/11/2006 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Emily,

I read with interest the article on writing. I do think students should STILL learn cursive writing. I love to get a hand written thank you or letter in the mail,rather than just bills. My sister is an excellent writer and prefers handwritten letters to e-mail.

Hey, did you notice the article even included the word county, Fairfax County, a bonus!


At 10/11/2006 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Parts of this article are very frightening, such as:

[QUOTE]The loss of handwriting also may be a cognitive opportunity missed. The neurological process that directs thought, through fingers, into written symbols is a highly sophisticated one. [/QUOTE]


[QUOTE]...pointing to research that shows children without proficient handwriting skills produce simpler, shorter compositions, from the earliest grades.[/QUOTE]

These quotes just give me more reasons to fear for the future of our educational system, which I already think is seriously lacking.... but I could write an entire blog on that, so I will spare you and not go into it here.

The article also makes me think of my boss, they way that he scribbles all over everything in his indecipherable handwriting and thus, well, ruins everything.

What about handwriting analysis - is that going to be a lost art? Remember how handwriting specialists were able to do studies on the handwriting of various sociopaths and it was noted how their handwriting to slant on a downward diagonal...

I think that you really can tell a lot about a person by his handwriting. Take my boss for instance. Maybe his handwriting doesn't point to "serial killer" but there is no doubt that any random person looking at it would assume that the man is a mess. And they would be correct: his office is a complete disaster. It looks like New Orleans did after Hurricane Katrina. Only it looks that way All. THE. TIME.

Now do you feel bad for me?


At 3/25/2011 4:00 AM, Anonymous Forgery expert said...

This post reminds me of a long time ago when in school we used to have a subject (with proper lectures - although I don’t remember about the exams: P) called "handwriting improvement". It sounds quite a funny but helpful course now :)

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