Emily's Creations

stuff i make, things i do, places i go. i'll post my projects and activities here. please leave comments! i like banjo music. follow me on twitter @ ehlcreations http://twitter.com/ehlcreations

Friday, August 15, 2008

horrible habits

so, i have this terrible habit of putting things in the freezer i know i won't eat. here is an example.
frozen mystery freezer item

what the hell is that?

here it is, about 30 minutes later. any ideas? those ice crystals are pretty cool, huh?
frozen mystery freezer item close up

here it is this morning. i know, i could have tossed it last night, but i really wanted to know...
frozen mystery freezer item reveal!

sadness! it's my favorite post-huge meal meal. everything dumped into a baking dish and mushed. this one looks like turkey, some veggies, zucchini pie, some stuffing...this was from last thanksgiving. it was sitting in my freezer for almost 9 months.

see, i wanted the pyrex back a few months ago but thought, "gee, maybe i'll eat that." no.

this morning, as i gazed upon the unfrozen mush in the sink i thought, "gee, maybe i'll eat that." no.

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Saturday, August 09, 2008


i had a fun week. very unexpected. while the first week of my vacation was painfully boring and slow, the second week was equally fast and enjoyable. some mini-excursions with a surprise guest, including wine and fun food.

i also completed two more items on my "things to do on vacation" list...sort shoes and donate items. it wound up also allowing me to clean up my closet, which was juuuuust super. so, i had all these shoe boxes filled with...shoes. many of them i had not seen in ten years. really. the receipt was in the box with a date of 8/13/98. i remember my mom and i searched and searched for the perfect shoes to wear with a super cute dress for my friend's husband's commissioning in the marine corps. i have not worn the shoes since, i have not worn the dress since, and the couple divorced about 6 years ago. in total, i donated to goodwill...

* 11 pairs of shoes (yes, 11. includes a pair of sneakers in quite good condition)
* 1 pair boots (at least i THINK they were the ones i wanted to give away)
* 5 handbags (i used to like to go through the sale stuff at old navy)
* 1 pair rollerblades with wrist guards (i haven't used them since fall '99...i remember it well)
* 3 t-shirt dresses that just look weird on me now. haven't worn any of them in at least two years.

none of these items were helping me exist. in fact, they were taking up precious closet and karmic space. if you recall, i've spent the better part of the last, oh, 12 to 18 months or so getting rid of things through donation, freecycle, craigslist and such. i've been able to curb my spending and really reform my list of needs. just because the item is there in front of me does not mean i need it!

today (friday) was my last weekday day of vacation. baby nora and i went to the natural history museum and saw "dinosaurs 3d." nora and dolley also met on the floor.
doll and nora check each other out

here is nora again.
laughing nora


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Saturday, August 02, 2008

happy birthday to me

i think i'm going to go out tonight with some folks. i'm not big on birthday stuff. anyway, if i do go, i made these earrings to wear. they're cat's eye glass and crystal.
blue earrings

i got to hang out with baby nora on thursday. aw. here she is, smiling at her mama, wondering why her awesome GW dress is so big.
baby nora smiles at mama

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