Emily's Creations

stuff i make, things i do, places i go. i'll post my projects and activities here. please leave comments! i like banjo music. follow me on twitter @ ehlcreations http://twitter.com/ehlcreations

Monday, December 10, 2007

little dude i met on the beach

Originally uploaded by elandsman
i spent a day in florida after the board of directors meeting was over. i stayed with my neighbors...i suppose former neighbors...who used to live across the street from my parents. it was very nice to see them.

she blows glass now, and it's just the coolest hobby ever, i think.

i took a bunch of pics on the beach in order to make them into slides for prints. i took about 120 of them in 45 minutes, but only put 37 online. i don't know which i'm going to use yet. here's a little dude i met while walking. i wanted his shell, but he wanted it more. he won.

more pics soon....but probably not for another week because my final is on monday. if you want to look at a few more, you can go to this set on my flickr page.


Wednesday, December 05, 2007

cheppy chanukah!

candles 'n fried things 'n all.

so here's the scarf i gave to my boss's three year old daughter. i finished it and weaved in the ends an hour ago while sitting at my desk with my door open...and talking to my boss. (it's a little slow here thanks to the icky weather.)
cable scarf for 3 year old gal
he's going to get a pic of her wearing it. should be cute. i'll update then. i also gave her a "paint your own dreidel" kit that someone had given me a few years ago, for some reason. ages 3+.

here's a pic i took in lexington last week. tee-hee. (click on it if you can't read the text.)
no firearms

off to the board meeting in florida tomorrow morning! let's see if i can take off at 6:30 as planned...

also...both pics here are from the iphone.

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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

who likes those apples?

i do!

so i'm back from KY and leaving for FL on thursday. i love 630 am flights. really. really. i love them even more when i have to fly all dressed up and go straight to a meeting with the executive committee! then another committee meeting. i don't even do anything at these meetings! why do i need to be there? why?

my class is almost over. the final is on the 17, so after that i will return to the crafting life for a few weeks. i bought a few nice cigar boxes in KY for $2 each. i will play with them and turn a few into something else.

i am also working on some slide prints. i will have a few scanned ones to share in a few days.

here is a pic from danielle's wedding. i am putting the bracelet on her...
putting danielle's bracelet on

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