FINE! you want to see the sweater?
here it is, sickos.

see? failure. failure. i really don't want to talk about it anymore unless you have some suggestions. and don't tell me i made it the wrong size. i am a small...i am barely 5'3" but i tend to have problems in the shoulder area. in that case i could have made a medium, but this was just so messed up everywhere that i don't know if it would have made a difference. the arms are ok, right? and no, it's not supposed to be a midriff baring piece.
doll took some time to relax on her tummy in the sun this afternoon.

here i am about 25 minutes later with calmer hair, along with a pissed off rabbit. (fyi...i didn't take her away from the sun. she came over to me and therefore she was fair game for the photo.)

here is alton brown's baked mac and cheese that i made for our black history month potluck at work yesterday. we're supposed to make something "traditional" from our family, or whatever. i didn't. i make this every year cause it rocks and people love it. (though, i do admit, last year i put too many onions in it and didn't let it cook long enough, so it was kind of oniony, but i got it right this time.) someone always brings in a stouffer's frozen mac and cheese, which i don't get. this year, that contribution was at least presented in a corningware dish, so it didn't look as icky, at least some thought was put into presentation.

ag has a gig tonight, so i'm excited. scap will be playing, too, as the event is his creation. yaaaay.