Emily's Creations

stuff i make, things i do, places i go. i'll post my projects and activities here. please leave comments! i like banjo music. follow me on twitter @ ehlcreations http://twitter.com/ehlcreations

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


i have many different kinds of glue here in my apartment. one day i will gather them all and take a picture. among the varities...

* jeweler's glue
* tacky glue
* spray glue
* hot glue (high temp)
* plain ol' white craft glue
* barge cement (like rubber cement after working out for a while)

i have some more. i'll look around


Friday, June 09, 2006

hair, hats and sweater update

so, here is a sweater update first. the front is almost done! and just to prove that it really IS the front and not another shot of the back (but you'd believe me anyway, right?) i have included the back, all folded up. luke might just get his sweater before high school!
here are a bunch of hats, scarves and mittens that happy heads, dc received from CCK, capitol crocheters and knitters!
here i am, swimming in hats. notice my hair is gone. i chopped off 11" last thursday for locks of love. remember i did it a few years ago, too. i was a big fuzzball then, too. we decided my office was too messy for the background so we fuzzed that as well. or am i moving really fast...?