Emily's Creations

stuff i make, things i do, places i go. i'll post my projects and activities here. please leave comments! i like banjo music. follow me on twitter @ ehlcreations http://twitter.com/ehlcreations

Monday, January 08, 2007

make a pillowcase out of towels!

ag wrapped a pillow in a towel a few nights ago and remarked how great towel pillocases would be...so i decided to make them! i searched online and couldn't find any kind of "how-to" and i decided to do it myself. total time was about an hour for both of them. i'm going to make some more. they were really easy, no tape measure needed, and they're soooo comfy! here we go!

i got two regular size bath towels from bed bath & beyond...they're having their annual clearance sale now, so that was just a bonus. i had wanted to use one bath sheet, but i couldn't find any that i liked. so...
then line up two towels exactly. i wound up cutting off the ends with the tags.
two towels
next, i lined up a regular pillowcase so it would be the correct size. (if you want to use the bath sheet, just fold in half so the edges line up and continue with the next step.)

then i pinned around the case to keep the two towels together, and then marked the top towel with tailor's chalk.
pinning the towels
then i sewed around the chalk marks. i went right up to the edging, and then went back and forth to secure the edges.
sewing towels
here is the completed pillowcase, inside out.
inside out!
then i trimmed the edges, leaving about 1/2 inch around the stitching, and turned it right side out. that's it!
right side
it's in the washing machine now to clean it up. now, what to do with all the left over scraps?
doll plays with scraps



At 1/15/2007 3:01 PM, Blogger ThursdayNext said...

You have a million dollar idea here! I love the feeling of the pillow wrapped in terry at the spa - ooooo these look amazing. :)

Hi Buns! :)

At 1/17/2007 9:06 PM, Blogger Lady Prism said...

the huggiest pillow I've ever seen!..ey'..hmmm that gives me an idea...maybe I can do this me'self too!


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