i left detroit in a kia optima
that was strange. considering the motor city's history, i left in a foreign car. i also couldn't adjust the driver's seat back or my right side mirror. kind of an uncomfortable drive down here to toledo, ohio. additionally, there is a gentleman's club called "scarlett's" somewhere on the oh/mi border that serves top shelf liquor! billboards are the best way to advertise, the best.
last night i went to a mudhens game! name the celebrity who's picture/name is all over toledo (and the tv show he was on) and win a prize!
*just a note - if you haven't figured it out already, i don't have any prizes. just gratitude for reading my blog. thanks!
i brought the final pieces of lucas's sweater with me to ohio. i am now working on the collar, and i expect to be finished with it tonight, depending on my work schedule here. if not, then by the end of the week when i get home. after another 1/2" on the collar, i just have to sew up the arms, sides and pockets! no photo updates there, i left my camera at home. oops.
i also made up the "blood pillow" for my brother. this thing has been all over the interweb-er-do and so he wanted me to copy it for him. i didn't have a pattern or anything, it isn't really needed. i started by marking out squiggly lines.

this is as far as i got...

i ran out of fiberfill, so it's going to have to wait until the weekend. i still have about 3/4 yard of the fabric left. it's a lovely blood red color, but you can't really tell in the picture.
after these two projects are done, i'm going to take a crafting break until the 28th when i take the GRE again. just one part of it, not the whole thing. i'll still post, but just about stupid things, nothing craft-related. wish me luck!
rabbit is shedding like mad now. she doesn't like it when i help the process and gently pull out tufts of fur, but she's going to have to deal. better than her ingesting it, or having it wind up stuck to my eyeballs.

so, last week a friend came over for a few minutes and was pretty much surprised that my place is not as obsessively neat as was predicted. in fact, i was basically told i was messy! insanity! just so you know...
* most importantly, i know where everything is
* i have a hanging spot for my keys (how many of you have that? huh? i haven't said "where are my keys?" in a long time)
* i like organized piles and organized clutter (they're mobile)
* i vacuum every single day (rabbit fur!)
* bathroom counter is wiped up every day, whole room is thoroughly cleaned 2x a week (germs)
* i make my bed every day (thanks, mom)
* all of my crafts have their own designated area
* i keep my sink clean (except for right now 'cause my flight was canceled yesterday morning and i had to scramble to get a new one so i forgot to put my dishes away but other than that...)
* i generally keep my kitchen counter clear. i have only one.
* i have no bugs or mice or whatever (that's extreme, yes, but true)
* and finally, it's a work in progress. i already blogged last week about getting rid of things and my need to have less stuff. scroll down to see, if you'd like.
off to work in toledo!
GRE, is that the entrance exam you are going to take? I keep my fingers crossed! Does this mean that you won't be knitting until the exam, too? Maybe you shouldn't give up knitting, because it is so relaxing and you shouldn't forget to also take care of yourself in this period.
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